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Web Development Training

Fatmak provides introductory instruction classes on the two of the moving technologies that have transformed the web development landscapes. These important technologies are HTML5 and CSS3. Taken together, these two have enabled designers and developers to unleash their design prowess in order to create beautiful interfaces and improve users' interactions on the web. Though still at their developmental stages, they have contributed tremendously to the improvements we are currently witnessing on the web today.

Introduction to HTML5

In this course, participants will be taken through the basic building block of the markup language that is used for structuring and presenting content for the World Wide Web and the core technology of the internet. HTML5 is the fifth revision of the HTML standard and its core aims are to improve the language support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans.

The course is going to be lab intensive and participant will put into practice the new skills they will be acquiring in this class by building a web site using this language. After completing this course, participants can take their skills further by taking javascript and other server side scripting courses in order to become a fully functional web developer.

CSS3 in the Real World

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language that is used for specifying how HTML documents are presented to users. While the HTML defines the structure of the document, CSS specifies how the document is displayed on the user's browsers when requesting the HTML page through the web browsers.

In this course, participant will be taken through series of lessons on how the CSS language is used to aesthetically improve the look and feel of documents structured according to the HTML5 language in order to make it readable and understandable to human users.